Halloween in Bucharest 2018
Halloween is coming!
YEY!! my favorite holiday is here and I'm SO excited. Not only because it's my birthday.... But also because, I love the costumes, parties and the candies (of course). what a lovely scary day.
YEY!! my favorite holiday is here and I'm SO excited. Not only because it's my birthday.... But also because, I love the costumes, parties and the candies (of course). what a lovely scary day.
So, i decided to try and understand my Halloween options for this year. If you want to know Where and how can we celebrate it this year while in Bucharest? Take a look at this list i made. Your'e also wellcome to read about our last year Halloween experience in bucharest, click here
Where and How can I celebrate Halloween in Bucharest 2018:
A tour through the backstage of the theater of Opera Comica Pentru Copii
Duration: 1 hour, 26-27/10, 19:00-24:00, ages: 3+, 15 lei per kid. places are limited.
Also, They just opened 2 new escape rooms for kids ages 7+.
Papmkin Trail and competition
At the Mogosoaia parc, on 28/10 11:00-19:00
First price for the winner is 1000 lei,all kids are invited to try their luck.
Pampkin workshop
For 2-5 years old kids, on 27/10 at 18:00.
For 2-5 years old kids, on 27/10 at 18:00.
Entrance fee 50 lei per first kid, a second kid get's 50% discount. Address: Puro & Bio (nice ice cream place!), 20 Câmpineanu St.
Kids cooking workshop
Learn how to make pumpkin strudel and pumpkin soup at Artisan cooking classes , 27/10 14:00-16:00
Learn how to make pumpkin strudel and pumpkin soup at Artisan cooking classes , 27/10 14:00-16:00
Halloween themed play day at Fabulous kids playground. costume contast and Pumpkin carving workshop. 28/10, 1000:-13:00, 50 lei per kid
Does your kids undersatnd Romanian? you can go to an Halloween play. A live interactive theater performance of Teatru la cinema, at Vitan shopping mall, ages 3-7
Now, what about some Halloween adult parties you'de ask? well, here's what i found online:
The famouse Halloween Monster Party at Bran CastleTakes place on 28/10 from 19:00.
Basic entrance fee is 180 lei, but it goes up as you add to it a Dracula dinner. the party i from 18 years old. you can purchase tickets here: https://bilete.castelulbran.ro/en/
If you want to party in Bucharest, there are plenty of options too:
27/10 night, come dressed up.
80s Halloween party at the Paque bistro
27/10, begining at 22:00
Club Motiv is celebrating with a big Psyloween party, on 27/10at Calea Victoriei 48-50, Pasajul Victoriei. Entrance fee: 20 Ron until 00:00, 30 Ron After 00:00
Halloween Spooky Quiz night at the Mojo club
on the 31/10 starting at 19:00. entrance is 30 lei per person.
Still hav'nt bought your Halloween costume?
on the 31/10 starting at 19:00. entrance is 30 lei per person.
Still hav'nt bought your Halloween costume?
At Alternative Bazaar you will find clothes, accessories and footwear, as well as decorations or other items that fit goth, metal, punk, cybergoth, steampunk, fetish, etc.
27/10, 12:00 -19:00 At Club 16 (Ion Câmpineanu Street 16).
?!What the hell is Cybergoth
I hope you will find the event that suits your needs, and have a great time celebrating .
.Halloween this year in Romania
I want to thank Annie Steinitz Dudkiewicz for the idea for the post, you are invited to read her blog post about Halloween in NYC
I didn't even know they celebrate Halloween in Bucharest - Happy Birthday!
השבמחקI guess that as the expat comuunity grew, so did the cultural affiiliations did. Thanks!