The coolest place in Bucharest - Cooking Entertainment Center

One of the challenges in the expat life, in moving to a new unknown country, is to find the places that make you feel comfortable. As parents, we tend to wait to our family to settle down first, and only than we look after ourselves.

During the first two years here, we found lovely restaurants that are kids friendly (press here for more info) and cool themed places all over town (press here).

Luckily for me, I'm beginning my third year in Romania, which means, I'm exactly at that stage when kids are integrated, the house is organized and we have our cute Romanian routine life. So now I have the time to explore more of what Bucharest has to offer me.

We came do discover, that Bucharest offers different options of entertainment during summer than during winter. Now that the fall arrived and it's chillier outside, the lovely garden cafes are closing, and the lake bars are entering to their winter sleep, it's time to head to other places.

 Cooking Entertainment Center - Culinariyon  

The Chef is also a preformer

Not just a cooking class

So….. I am happy to announce that I we have located to coolest place for this fall season!
Culinaryon -  A cooking entertainment center.

You might ask how a cooking workshop can match the crazy dancing nights at Face, the lovely tapas at Nomad rooftop, or the drinks at Biutiful by the lake.

The other night, we went out for a calm date night thinking we will learn how to make homemade pasta and will eat good food, we ended up laughing allot, drinking allot and even dancing!! 
This caught me by surprise, I was not expecting it at all. We've been to cooking centers in the past and had cooking classes, but here, the chef was also a performer, making people sing and fulfil tasks in front of total strangers.

Making people sing and fulfil tasks in front of total strangers

This was definitely one of the best evening we had in Bucharest until now! Here's a few more pictures and videos, and a big (huge) reccomendetion to try it. 
Bealive me, you'll have fun.

yummy food

There's private room too



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